Obama Rewards Uganda for Troop Service in Somalia

15 October 2011
Washington - The US has sent special operations forces to Uganda to help the military fight the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Matt Brown of the Enough Project, a US group working to end genocide and crimes against humanity, states, Obama’s purpose maybe to reward Uganda for their troop service in Somalia. Capturing the LRA’s leader, Joseph Kony is Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni, priority. Museveni has committed thousands of military troops to Somalia to fight militants from al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Quaida. Representatives, Senators, and Congressmen agree with Obamha’s decision to send aide, however, Senator John McClain said, it is a “worthy goal” but congress should have been consulted. The US has sent $45 million in military equipment to Uganda. The US legislation passed bipartisan support for the coordination of US diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military efforts against the LRA. Brown believes, “regional stability is also good for US interests.”
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44912923/ns/world_news-africa/
(Reliability 7)
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