Next War Likely A Cyberwar?

7 November 2011
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the inventors of the internet are now looking at ways the world wide web might be used to fight the next war. DARPA, a Pentagon office that strategically researchs everything technology related from cybersecurity to hypesonic airplance. DARPA along with other DoD cybersecurity offices have protected the Penatagon’s worldwide network of computers from hackers and malware. DARPA is now strategizing on how to reach out and attack the entities attempting to disrupt DoD computers. Agency Director, Regina Dugan stated; “To this end, in the coming years, DARPA will focus an increasing portion of our cyber research on the investigation of offensive capabilities to address military specific needs.” Cyber secuirty has gone well beyond many notorious threats to privacy and the release of pertinent information. “Malicious cyberattacks are not merely an existential threat to out bits and bytes, they are a real threat to an increasingly large nunber of systems that we interact with daily, for the power grid, to our financial systems, to our automobiles and our military systems.” Dugan stated. Dugan then demonstrated how fast a malicious event can travel in the cyber-world. Research conducted into the feasible Pentagon attacks via cyberspace means DARPA cannot let their guard down and continue to guard the realms of network security of the Pentagon.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the inventors of the internet are now looking at ways the world wide web might be used to fight the next war. DARPA, a Pentagon office that strategically researchs everything technology related from cybersecurity to hypesonic airplance. DARPA along with other DoD cybersecurity offices have protected the Penatagon’s worldwide network of computers from hackers and malware. DARPA is now strategizing on how to reach out and attack the entities attempting to disrupt DoD computers. Agency Director, Regina Dugan stated; “To this end, in the coming years, DARPA will focus an increasing portion of our cyber research on the investigation of offensive capabilities to address military specific needs.” Cyber secuirty has gone well beyond many notorious threats to privacy and the release of pertinent information. “Malicious cyberattacks are not merely an existential threat to out bits and bytes, they are a real threat to an increasingly large nunber of systems that we interact with daily, for the power grid, to our financial systems, to our automobiles and our military systems.” Dugan stated. Dugan then demonstrated how fast a malicious event can travel in the cyber-world. Research conducted into the feasible Pentagon attacks via cyberspace means DARPA cannot let their guard down and continue to guard the realms of network security of the Pentagon.
Reliability: 8.5
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