Iran likely Developing Nuclear Bomb

8 November 2011

International Atomic Energy Agency just released a critical report expressing “serious concerns” regarding Iran’s nuclear program. IAEA has reliable information the Islamic republic may be developing nuclear weapons. IAEA report on Iranian program’s military scope found no evidence on Iran’s decision to build a bomb, however their nuclear program is now more ambitious and structured than ever before. IAEA carefully assessed and analyzed information made available to them, and concluded Iran has indeed carried out activities pertinent to the development of a nuclear explosive device. A senior US official called the report a “big deal being the report is comprehensive, credible, and alarming. According to IAEA some of the activities assessed on Iran have both civilian and military applications and others are specific to nuclear weapons. Iran has insisted repeatedly its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian energy purposes only. US officials stated the Obama administration will utilized the reports to lobby the international community to slap economic sanctions against Iran.


Reliability: 9


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