Cargo Ship Endangers New Zealand’s Coast

Tauranga, NEW ZEALAND – Hundreds of tons of oil have already seeped out of the Rena cargo ship. The New Zealead coast is experiencing, “… the country’s biggest environmental disaster,” said Nick Smith, New Zealand’s Environmental Minister. The ship’s cargo included oil, diesel, and hazardous material, of the 70 containers that have fallen off the ship’s deck, none have contained hazardous material. A vertical crack on the ship’s deck to its waterline is visible. The New Zealand government is demanding to know why the ship wrecked on well-charted, Astrolabe Reef, in calm weather. The government has not received any explanation from the vessel’s owners; Greece based company, Coastmare Inc.
The captain’s name is yet to be released but has already faced criminal charges in New Zealand’s courts. Efforts are underway to reduce further seepage of oil and falling containers. Steve Jones, Maritimes New Zealand, advised that salvage crews are idle pending brutal weather conditions.
(Reliability 8)
The captain’s name is yet to be released but has already faced criminal charges in New Zealand’s courts. Efforts are underway to reduce further seepage of oil and falling containers. Steve Jones, Maritimes New Zealand, advised that salvage crews are idle pending brutal weather conditions.
(Reliability 8)
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