Taliban Raises Funds Through Crime

12 October 2011
Police caught up with four Taliban militants after they robbed a bank, shooting them dead on a bridge as they attempted to flee to Afghanistan. The daylight raid on the bank and the bombing in June were carried out by the “Black Night” group, a unit of the Pakistani Taliban dedicated to raising funds through robberies, kidnappings, and extortion. Al-Qaida, the Taliban, and other associated groups are relying less on cash from abroad and more on crime to get money for equipment, weapons, and the expenses associated with running an insurgency. Iraq has also seen a jump in crime in recent years. Militants there use profits from crime to finance operations. Their targets are wealthy Pakistanis who are able to pay top dollar for the release of their loved one. Ransom demands range from about $150,000 and to $1 million.

Pakistani Taliban Raise Funds Through Street Crime

Reliability: 9


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