Counter Strategies Against al-Qaeda Internet Recruitment
12 October, 2011
Anwar al-Awlaki is dead, but the threat of al-Qaeda online recruitment still continues. In order to prevent new terrorist members, U.S. officials are monitoring social networks, internet forums, chat rooms, and videos encouraging individuals to recruit. Nine officials who speak Arabic and Urdu expose their identity to angry young Muslims with the goal to steer them away from their radicalization views. Critics state that their role models al-Awlaki and bin Laden’s illegal sexual activities of possessing porn and hiring prostitutes should be exposed to the public and not held confidential by the government. Exposing their behavior may change the views of potential members in a positive or negative way. The battle against internet al-Qaeda recruitment is on, unfortunately it’s being fought by a small army of officials.
Source: http://
(Reliability: 8.5)

Anwar al-Awlaki is dead, but the threat of al-Qaeda online recruitment still continues. In order to prevent new terrorist members, U.S. officials are monitoring social networks, internet forums, chat rooms, and videos encouraging individuals to recruit. Nine officials who speak Arabic and Urdu expose their identity to angry young Muslims with the goal to steer them away from their radicalization views. Critics state that their role models al-Awlaki and bin Laden’s illegal sexual activities of possessing porn and hiring prostitutes should be exposed to the public and not held confidential by the government. Exposing their behavior may change the views of potential members in a positive or negative way. The battle against internet al-Qaeda recruitment is on, unfortunately it’s being fought by a small army of officials.
Source: http://
(Reliability: 8.5)
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