Belarus Finalizes Deal on Russian Power Plant

11 October 2011
Russia came to an agreement to construct the first ever $9 billion nuclear power station. President Alexander Lukashenko signed the resolution with the Russian federation to construct the first nuclear plant in the country of Belarus. This agreement came to be only if Russia receives 50% of the profits from the power sales of the plant. Construction of the plant is already underway by the Russian contractor Atomstroiexport near the town of Ostrovets. Russia’s nuclear station building corporation Rosatom, is the primary company to build this plant along with 14 out of the 62 reactors worldwide. The reactors will have a power of a capacity of 2,400 megawatts. According to the local experts, the securities of this nuclear plant will four independent safety systems, which will make it one of the safest so far. European nations around the Ukraine have protested due to past nuclear accidents, safety, and environmental concerns. This power plant is to be in service by the year 2017.
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