Turkey To Impose Sanctions On Syria

Turkish Foreign minister says Turkey is ready to impose sanctions on Syria after it is discussed with the Prime minister Raccep Erdogan. Turkey is one of the most important trading partners of Syria and the proposed sanction will likely have a significant impact on the Syrian economy. The sanction will target the Syrian government officials and try to limit the impact on ordinary citizens. Hence, the sanctions will  be measured and calculated according the foreign minister.
Total trade between Turkey and Syria last year reached $2.4 billion and forecasted to peak at 30% until the uprising in Syria. Turkish economic minister also stated that Turkish businesses have over $1billion in investments in Syria. Turkey’s proposed sanction will differ from the one announced by the Arab league a few days ago.
Source :http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204449804577068100208547594.html
Reliability (9)
Analysis: The proposed sanctions by the Arab league and Turkey will likely be the last straw that breaks the back of the Assad government. Assad is still in power because he has the backing of the business elite and if the that support erodes, the regime is likely to fall. However, if the Assad regime falls it will likely lead to a civil war as the ruling elite is not keen on handing over the reigns of power.


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