Participants decrease after a 12 Day sit-in

Cairo- Protestors continued their sit-in in Tahrir Square on Monday, but there was a decrease in the number of participants. The decrease is a result of Egypt’s completion of the first phase of parliamentary elections. Demonstrators will continue their sit-in as a retaliation of Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzour’s new cabinet. Amr Wishahi, a new demonstrator and cameraman, claims he chose to join the demonstration after visiting the square during the previous week’s events. Wishahi demands that the military hand over power to civilians even though he does not expect military rule to end. Instead, Wishahi feels that a civilian state with a parliament chosen by election that represents the will of the people would better suit Egypt’s people. Ahmed Hassan, a tourist company employee, demonstrates in honor of tourism, which he wants to restore by giving power to the civilians. Tarek Mansour, a demonstrator, took part in ousting President Mubarak in February and since then he now provides tents for demonstrators from Cairo, Red Sea, and Beheira governorates. Mansour claims that remnants of Mubarak’s regime remain in power and that parliamentary elections are for a council that will not enjoy any real power.

Tahrir sit-in enters day 12 as participants decrease in number

Reliability: 9.5


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