Taliban Likely To Attack After Considered Beat

The CNN’s Republican debate on national security issues featured Republican presidential candidate, Jon Huntsman, announcing a “total defeat of the Taliban” despite the ongoing attacks occurring by the Taliban. Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor, expressed his belief on reducing soldier presence in Afghanistan since the United States has “dismantled the Taliban” and run them out of Kabul. However, the Taliban is highly likely to continue terrorist attacks against the United States even though progress has been made against the extremist group. Numerous suicide attacks recently made against the CIA, U.S. embassy, and NATO in Afghanistan are linked to the Taliban and the Haqqani network. International Security Assistance Force, Gen. John Allen, confirms that a vast majority of Taliban leaders did abandon Afghanistan and are choosing to phone in their operational orders from Pakistan. Pakistan’s safe territory for the Taliban is a threat to the defeat of the extremist group and the security establishment lacking in Afghanistan.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/23/politics/truth-squad-taliban/index.html?iref=allsearch

Reliability: 8


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