Human Rights Violation by the Mexican Government

(CNN)- The Human Rights Watch organization claims to have conducted field investigations in five distinctive states, Baja California, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Nuevo Leon, and Tabasco, in Mexico. They claim that Mexican Special Forces, and Federal Police are responsible for 170 cases of torture, 29 ”disappearances” and 24 cases of extrajudicial killings within these five states. With the threat of these findings the Mexico’s Defense Ministry announced the convictions of 14 servicemen, including 2 officers of homicide, adding, its army is “always ensuring adherence to the law”, despite the many complaints filed by victims. Eric Rojo, a security analyst, states, “You cannot have 45,000 soldiers, around the country, fighting battles, and claim there are no violations of any kind. That would be impossible.” Rojo also states that the Human Rights Watch is yet to raise any human rights violations against the Mexican drug cartels and others who violate the rights of many Mexicans.
Source: (Reliability 9)
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