7 Pakistan Militants Killed

According to Pakistan intelligence officials, a U.S. drone fired missiles at a house located in a Taliban and Al-Qaeda tribal area in Northwestern Pakistan. The attack killed seven suspected militants linked to the Pakistani Taliban. Northwestern Pakistan has been attacked more than 200 times by the U.S. The U.S. has conducted these attacks mainly targeting Al-Qaeda and Taliban militant groups who are fighting against U.S troops in Afghanistan. The U.S. intensified pressure on Pakistan to step up efforts and take military action against dangerous militant groups in Northwestern Pakistan or aid Washington on gathering intelligence against the Haqqani Network, the most dangerous militant group. Pakistan refuses to conduct military actions claiming the number of troops is low to release an operation in Northwester Pakistan. The U.S. believes Pakistan has historical ties with the Haqqani network and it is not in Pakistan’s best interest to take action against the Haqqanis because the possibility of becoming allies exists once foreign forces withdraw.

Source: " Likely: U.S. Drone Kills 7 Pakistan" Militants" http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2099484,00.html

Reliability: 9


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