Explosion At Iran Military Base

14 November 2011
The explosion was so powerful it killed 17 people, seriously wounded 15 and was felt 30 miles away in the capital, Tehran. The eruption, which occurred at the Bid Ganeh base, a military facility in Iran has many people questioning if it is part of a series of covert attacks against Iran’s Nuclear Program. In the past two years there has been at least three Iranian nuclear scientists killed, the Stuxnet virus last winter infected Iran's nuclear enrichment centrifuges, causing huge disruptions and setting back the program several months, now a storage facility for long-range missiles is completely destroyed. Although, Iranian officials insist the explosion at the Bid Ganeh base was accidental, caused by the movement of ammunition, there have been anonymous claims from western and Israeli officials that the blast was a covert Israeli operation.
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15741989
Reliability: 9
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