Turkey Flexes Its Muscles In The Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey and its neighbors are in a fierce tussle about who owns the right to drill for newly discovered natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean sea bed. Both Turkey and Cyprus lay claim to the offshore zone believed to hold about a trillion cubic meters of hydrocarbons. The natural gas is estimated to be worth over several billions of dollars and whoever comes out on top will control the energy future of Europe.
The row flared-up when Cyprus allowed a U.S company to start drilling off its southern shores last month and Turkey retaliated by sending a seismic vessel to the same area accompanied by gun boats.
Israel which is conducting drills in the area sent fighter jets to buzz the Turkish vessels and Turkey retaliated by scrambling its own fighter jets. Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan has characterized the Israeli and Cyprus drilling as “madness” and denounced their activities in the area.
 Turkish troops invaded Cyprus in 1974 to quell a coup orchestrated by Greece. The aim of the coup was to unite Cyprus with Greece. Cyprus has remained divided since.

Turkey natural gas search stokes tensions with Cyprus



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