Pentagon Chief to Defuse Egypt-Israel Tensions
5 October 2011
Cairo- US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta was in Cairo on Tuesday in an effort to defuse tensions between Egypt and Israel that have risen since the end of Hosni Mubarak’s rule. Panetta met with the country’s military ruler Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and strongly urged him to provide better security in the Sinai Peninsula due to Israel’s claim that an attack on its south originated from there. Panetta feels that any tension or friction within that area could create real problems for the region. Panetta also states that the need for better communication between both countries will help defuse the tensions between Israel and Egypt. Previously a peace treaty had bound Egypt and Israel since 1979 and tension has built up drastically since Mubarak’s was overthrown. The tension caused by Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Panetta is also requesting the release of the alleged Israeli spy, Ilan Grapel, although he is not involved with the negotiations personally.

Pentagon chief in bid to defuse Egypt-Israel tensions
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