Venezuela’s Chavez Does Not Recognize Lybia Government

2 November 2011

President Chavez and Lybia's Gadhafi
hold hands during a public meeting.
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said he does not recognize the new government in Lybia after the fall of Moammar Gadhafi. Chavez’s 26 October statement condemned the killing of Gadhafi and also criticized NATO’s involvement in the country stating, “It’s [NATO] installed a government through bombs in Lybia.” During the conflict in Lybia, Chavez demanded peace negotiations and denounced the rebels as “terrorists.”
Reliability: 8.5

Comment: President Chavez sustained close relations with the Gadhafi regime, visiting Lybia five times. In a television address in September 2009, Chavez compared Gadhafi to Latin America’s liberator, Simon Bolivar. Gadhafi’s death is the latest chapter in the so-called “Arab Spring,” following the exit from power of Tunisia’s President Zine El AbidineBen Ali on 14 January 2011 and the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in April.


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