12 Americans Killed by Taliban Suicide Bomb

2 November 2011

On October 29, 2011 a car bomb in the Afghan capital of Kabul killed 17, and at least 12 of them were Americans. This was the deadliest attack on coalition forces since this August. Three civilians and a policeman also died after the suicide car bomber targeted a convoy of coalition forces. “Our common enemy continues to employ suicide attackers to kill innocent Afghan fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters, as well as the coalition forces who have volunteered to protect them,” General John Allen, the coalition commander, said in an email statement. The explosion occurred as the convoy was passing the American University, sparking a fireball and littering the street with shrapnel. There were two other attacks in Afghanistan on this same day. In the eastern province of Kunar, a teenage girl carried out a suicide attack that wounded several people at the National Directorate of Security building. These attacks show how much danger and violence the Taliban engages in on a daily basis. The fight for control continues

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