U.S. Meets With Haqqani Terrorist Network

Upon the request of Pakistan’s intelligence service, the Haqqani terrorist network and the United States met once this summer to start a negotiating process. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced efforts to reach out to the Taliban and Haqqani network to “test their willingness and their sincerity” to initiate a negotiation between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the U.S. The U.S delivered a reconciliation message to the Haqqanis in the meeting which included an offer to meet guidelines set by the Afghans and Americans for peace. This offer to the Haqqanis also included accepting the Afghan constitutions guarantees for the rule of law and women’s rights. Although the Haqqani network did show up for the preliminary meeting, Clinton does not promise any guarantee of a quick peaceful resolution. The U.S. has decided to keep fighting to establish guideline agreements between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Source: "Official: U.S Met with Haqqani Terror Network"




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