Interior Minister’s resignation demanded by Police

Egypt-Thousands of low-ranking policemen are on strike in Egypt in response to the current Interior Minister Mansour al-Essawy’s corrupted reputation. These policemen are demanding the resignation of al-Essawy, the removal of corrupt officers affiliated with the former regime, and to end military trials for policemen. The strike has occurred in Cairo, Red Sea, Daqahliyyah, Monofyia, and Upper Egypt. In Cairo, protesting police officers were joined by ministry employees whom declare similar demands. Protest organizers claim to be threatened with arrest and physical harm by officials from inside the ministry, but they will continue their strike. Protesters complain of corruption and favoritism within the ministry towards high-ranking officers. They demand that Essawy to be replaced with a civilian minister and equal health care for all policemen, not just high ranking officers.

Source: Police begin open-ended strike, call for interior minister to resign

Reliability: 9


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