Bullying Husbands Change Definition of Domestic Violence

UK- The physical abuse experienced by domestic partners [wives] in the UK is likely to change based on new definition by the Liberal Democrat ministries. Under the new proposed definition of domestic violence laws, husbands can now be prosecuted for treating their wives in controlling ways even if they do not physically abuse them. The new laws will also extend to cover forced marriages of children by parents. Additionally, it will encompass economic control, manipulation of children, and awareness focused towards teenage girls who are experiencing abuse from their boyfriends. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone are set to propose the new changes. In general, the new definition of domestic violence laws will change its definition; not solely geared towards men but for abuse females who abuse their partners [husbands]. The ministers are also considering the allowance to women to find out if boyfriends have criminal histories.
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