Possible Death Of Al-Qaida Bomb Maker

Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, a Saudi militant, is supposedly dead after the United States drone strike in Yemen. This strike killed Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and Pakistani-American propagandist Samir Khan, both key figures in the Yemen Al-Qaida branch. Al-Asiri’s importance to Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula overshadows the deaths of two Americans. Upon his release from prison in 2006, Al-Asiri became one of the first Saudis to join the Yemen Al-Qaida branch and pledge allegiance to Nasser al-Wahishi, leader of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. Al-Asiri is responsible for designing explosives in two attempted attacks against the United States. The bomb found in a Nigerian’s underwear in an attempt to blow up Flight 253 over Detroit in 2009, and the bombs found in two printers headed for Chicago and Philadelphia last year. Al-Asiri also led his brother Abdullah’s suicide bombing operation to kill Saudi Prince Nayef in 2009 causing Abdullah’s death.



Reliability: 8


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