Israel Shows Ability to Compromise

19 October 2011

The recent prisoner swap has shown the ability for both Israel and Hamas to compromise.  This event will test the fortitude that each has in a long list of goals to accomplish.  Most importantly, it pushes the boundaries on either’s desire for a peace negotiation.  Both sides show their skills and negotiating power with the help of Egyptians and Germans.  The Israelis had to relax their own rules to accomplish such a difficult feat of having Shalit released.  Israel had exhausted all means in searching for Shalit.  Despite using technology to locate Shalit, human negotiations superseded the mechanical abilities.  The release of the prisoners could aid in the argument for Palestine statehood.  The swap shows that there is potential for Palestine and Israel to engage is peace negotiations but reaching that next level takes time and patience from both sides. 

Reliability:  9

Source:  Hamas and Israel:  Captives of war and peace


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